Helical Extension Springs
A type of spring designed to support
tensile, or pulling, loads. Extension springs are also called tensile springs.
helical spring is a spiral wound wire with a constant coil diameter and uniform
pitch. The most common form of helical spring is the compression
spring but tension springs are also widely used. . Helical springs
are generally made from round wire... it is comparatively rare for springs to
be made from square or rectangular sections. The figures below show some end
designs.. The third design C) design has relatively low stre
Springs are helical extension or compression springs whose ends are connected
so that each spring becomes a circle and exerts radial forces. Their
primary application is in oil seals. Other uses include small motor
belts, electrical connectors and piston-ring expanders.
The garter is
essentially a helical extension spring formed into a circular ring with the
ends connected on the inside diameter. Thus a garter spring is an endless
spring, ignoring that its ends are joined which does not affect the results. A
garter spring is easily identified in that it looks like a circle made up of a
All extension springs are
closed coiled helical springs. They offer resistance to a pulling force. These
springs work opposite from a compression spring, which works with a pushing
type of coil spring could be described as closed wound. This means the coils
are wound tightly together so they are in contact with each other.
some cases the coils could be wound so tightly that it requires an effort just
to pull them apart. This is what is known as initial tension. The spring
manufacturer can control this initial tension in his manufacturing process.
loops or hooks on each end come in a variety of shapes. The most used types are
what is called German(or twist) and English(or cross).
Rate and Initial Tension
calculation formulas used for extension springs are the same ones used for
compression springs. Most extension springs have no pitch between the coils.
They are formed with the coils wound tightly against each other. This is
sometimes called "closed wound". The load needed to separate
these closed wound coils is called initial tension. Initial tension
affects the load/deflection plot as a preload shown in the graphic to the
right. Once the initial tension load is exceeded the load/deflection line is
tension is measured by checking two load/deflection points at loads where the
coils are open and extending the rate line to the intercept at zero deflection.
This gives the initial tension load as shown in the graphic.
best range to keep initial tension as is a stress value between 40% and 80% of
the tensile strength of the material divided by the spring index.
length of an extension spring is specified between the inside of the spring
loads should be specified at a definite extended length and not as a
deflection from free length.
C =
Spring Index D/d
d = wire diameter (m)
D = Spring diameter = (Di+Do)/2 (m)
Di = Spring inside diameter (m)
Do = Spring outside diameter (m)
Dil = Spring inside diameter (loaded ) (m)
E = Young's Modulus (N/m2)
F = Axial Force (N)
Fi = Initial Axial Force (N)
(close coiled tension spring)
G = Modulus of Rigidity (N/m2)
d = wire diameter (m)
D = Spring diameter = (Di+Do)/2 (m)
Di = Spring inside diameter (m)
Do = Spring outside diameter (m)
Dil = Spring inside diameter (loaded ) (m)
E = Young's Modulus (N/m2)
F = Axial Force (N)
Fi = Initial Axial Force (N)
(close coiled tension spring)
G = Modulus of Rigidity (N/m2)
K d
= Traverse Shear Factor = (C + 0,5)/C
K W = Wahl Factor = (4C-1)/(4C-4)+ (0,615/C)
L = length (m)
K W = Wahl Factor = (4C-1)/(4C-4)+ (0,615/C)
L = length (m)
L 0
= Free Length (m)
L s = Solid Length (m)
n t = Total number of coils
n = Number of active coils
p = pitch (m)
y = distance from neutral axis to outer fibre of wire (m)
L s = Solid Length (m)
n t = Total number of coils
n = Number of active coils
p = pitch (m)
y = distance from neutral axis to outer fibre of wire (m)
τ =
shear stress (N/m2)
τ i = initial spring stress (N/m2)
τ max = Max shear stress (N/m2)
θ = Deflection (radians)
δ = linear deflection (mm)
τ i = initial spring stress (N/m2)
τ max = Max shear stress (N/m2)
θ = Deflection (radians)
δ = linear deflection (mm)
In the
body of a helical extension spring the wire is stressed in torsion.. When
estimating the maximum allowable stress, the stresses in the hooks or loops
must also be considered). in some cases the spring is extended beyond the
maximum service height in installation. This will result in the spring being
stressed beyond the specified maximum service stress.
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING DESIGNThe design formulas given here do not apply if the helix angle exceeds 12 degrees at the test deflection. Above 12 degrees large errors are introduced due to the bending stresses.
Some additonal hook and loop formations that are used most often:
Spring Index
The spring index (C) for helical
springs in a measure of coil curvature ..
For most helical springs C is
between 3 and 12
Spring Rate
Generally springs are designed to
have a deflection proportional to the applied load (or torque -for torsion
springs). The "Spring Rate" is the Load per unit
deflection.... Rate (N/mm) = F(N) / δ e(deflection=mm)
Spring Stress Values
For General purpose springs a
maximum stress value of 40% of the steel tensile stress may be used. However
the stress levels are related to the duty and material condition
Goodmans failure criterion..
The fatigue design of springs
generally involves one of a number of failure criterions, as shown below.
Goodmans failure criterion..
The intersect equation for the
Goodmans criterion is
The relevant factor of safety is
calculated as follows
Life of music wire
Music wire springs are not recommended for applications where
the temperature exceeds 121 deg. C (250 deg F.)
Life of Stainless
Stainless Steel
Type 302 - ASTM-A313 or AMS 5688 spring tempered (chemical &
physical only). Stainless steel springs are not recommended for applications
where the temperature exceeds 260 deg. C (500 deg. F).
condition in which metals begin to fail after being exposed to improper load
conditions. Coil springs can suffer fatigue due to excess loads, too many
deflections, or extreme temperatures.
Fatigue Notes In Helical Extension
The normal shear stress condition
experienced be a spring subject to continuous fluctuating loading is as shown
The force amplitude and mean value are
calculated as
The resulting alternating and mean
stresses are
For springs the safety factor for
torsional endurance life is
Experimental results have proved that for
spring steel the torsional endurance limit is not directly related to size,
tensile strength, or material for wires under 10mm diameter. The
resulting value from experiments has been determined as
= 310 MPa for unpeened springs and 465 MPa for peened springs
= 241 MPa for unpeened springs and 398 MPa for peened springs
= 379 MPa for unpeened springs and 534 MPa for peened springs
These values include all modifying factors
except for the reliability factor. ref Fatigue modifying factors That is Se
= CrS'e
For springs subject to low cyclic /static loading the safety factor for torsional yielding is
For springs subject to low cyclic /static loading the safety factor for torsional yielding is
It is generally safe to use a torsional
yield strength of 40% of the ultimate tensile strength i.e Ssyof
0,4Sut ref notes Spring Materials
If the spring applications between 103 and 106 cycles of variation a modified torsional shear strength ( Sfs )can be used to determine the safety margin.
If the spring applications between 103 and 106 cycles of variation a modified torsional shear strength ( Sfs )can be used to determine the safety margin.
Improving fatigue life:
There are several methods that can
be used for improving fatigue life.
- Lower stress:
The most obvious way to improve fatigue life is to design a spring with a
lower stress. Rockford Spring can help in this regard. If
room permits, we can design with a larger wire diameter or lower final
load. Unfortunately, sometimes the only way to reduce the stresses is to
allow more room for the spring. This is much easier to do in the
early design stage. Contact us early in the process to make sure we
are allowing enough space to design a spring that will have a robust
- Shotpeen:
Shotpeening can greatly improve the fatigue life of springs. See our Shotpeening page for more information.
- Pressing:
Springs can be 100% pressed solid either as a part of the installation
process or as a secondary operation during manufacture. The set
taken during pressing must be allowed for in the coiling process so that
the correct loads are obtained after press.
- Material:
We can often upgrade material to a higher tensile range or a higher
quality grade. Valve quality material is used in very critical
applications. The surface of the wire is shaved before the final
draw to eliminate surface defects (effective but expensive).
- Dynamic loading:
Shock loading and resonance can seriously reduce cycle life. It is
important to avoid both situations for good fatigue life. See our Dynamic loading page.
- Application improvements: Sometimes a fatigue problem is due to something
in the application that can be improved. Stress corrosion, buckling,
coil clash, wear, non-axial forces, and dynamic loading are all possible
problem areas that can often be improved.
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